this thing is such a beast. this will definitely get u fat, if u dont die first lah of CHD lol. 4 beef patties (although imi claims there's 5) and tastes amazing!
mcD currently out of mcnuggets=(
Saturday, 5 September 2009
mega mac
rambled by mubs at 8:11 pm 0 comments
some more
i think i really miss shopping hahaha. was watching the us open just now and just realised the ballboy punya polos lawa. macam the wimbledon one but i think this one looks better.

rambled by mubs at 8:03 pm 0 comments
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
i finally went to mcD! its like a dream come true. lol. well all this while i wanted to go mcD at night but i was too full to go and i thought it closes at 10, so i took time to go for sungkai at mcD yesterday. it was amazing! hahahah. and i just found out that it closes at 12am everyday during Ramadhan, except for saturdays at which it closes at 1=DD i am so going to mcD one of these nights. ikut?
sungkai buffet shall not be an option for me. its not cz i eat too much, its that i dont eat a lot anymore=/ since puasa started i havent been eating shitloads and so decided not to go out for sungkai buffet as it will be a waste if i dont eat like a pig. but nevertheless we gave it a go just now at ilotus. the food was amazing and there were loads of varieties u wont get bored of it. and guess what, i only had one plate of main course and a couple of starters=/ rugi!!!! omg! i didnt even get a go at the hotpot. mahal saja bayar but makan sikit brabis. prolly its cz ive been fasting in boarding school for the past 2years and yeah the sungkai and sahur sikit. no shit rugi buffet, next time i shall just go for the ala carte option. craving for coffee zone's buttermilk chicken=)
rambled by mubs at 7:16 pm 0 comments
Sunday, 30 August 2009
now on some serious note
since my birthday is coming up soon, i shall treat myself to one of these=) time to spend bebeh!
aaaaaaaaaand i shall save up for this
goodnight louis
rambled by mubs at 10:01 pm 0 comments
favourite pastime
so i was bored. thought i'd drop by and put up a list of Louis Vuittons I would buy if I was a multimillion dollar hip hop artist or a famous football star or at least someone who has a million dollars. wait no million pounds lah cz pounds is richer.

rambled by mubs at 7:45 pm 0 comments
Friday, 28 August 2009
time is running
okay lame but yeah i just realised, i only have exactly 3weeks left=(
means i have to go to mcD more often now! i havent gone since puasa. and i plan to go each night, but im just too full to go each night. i think the only solution is to go sungkai at mcD, or else i would not get to go mcD until next summer=(
rambled by mubs at 9:27 pm 0 comments
Thursday, 27 August 2009
to the club bangers
check out this track sexy chick-david guetta feat akon. lovin this track.
rambled by mubs at 7:41 am 0 comments
further maths can kiss my ass! hahaha it has been such a bitch for the past year and i even flunked it during the trial exams(well think i had too much fun during easter yatah inda blajar). im just so happy that i wont be seeing no more of those nasty fmath hyberbolic integration and conical bisections whatnot. over and done with. and no more fmaths in uni(hopefully).
rambled by mubs at 7:36 am 0 comments
annoyingly efficient
so this morning i went to the immigration department to change my machine-readable passport to a biometric one. i never like going to the immigration. but this time it was a pleasant one. went up to the counter straight without having to wait in queues and whatnot. wasnt too much hassle and most surprising of all, they were efficient. told them to finish my passport within a working day. they said tunggu saja sms sudah ready for collection. so i drove back from the immigration and when i nearly reached home, a text came in saying my passport was ready for collection. i was swearin like hell forgetting the fact that i should swear less during puasa cz they couldve told me it could be done in half an hour and i couldve just waited for it. oh well. kudos to the department for being efficient.
i dont think i should drive during puasa cz it really is testing my patience.
rambled by mubs at 7:22 am 0 comments
coolest app
Airmouse. turns your ipod touch or iphone into a wireless mouse. saves me the trouble of getting out of bed and playing the next episode of big bang theory over and over again. with this i could just literally stay put and control the cursor on my mac with my ipod touch while my mac is connected to the tv. u can use the ipod as a trackpad or use the accelerometer(motion sensor) to drive your cursor across the screen. it even has a keyboard so u can type with it. pretty nifty.
not to mention ive just updated my ipod to a 3.0, for free that is haha annen jailbroken my ipod, devirginised! haha. but its pretty cool cz now i can download free applications from torrents and install em in my ipod for free without having to rely on the itunes store anymore=) if only i had an iphone, cz ive got this free application(costs £60 on itunes) which turns your iphone into a satelitte navigation system. neat! sadly does not work with ipod touches. i might just consider the ipone 3G S into my list. all this while i didnt think the iphone was worthwhile, but since ive got this insight to such cools apps, i might just get one. plus i think i need a new phone. THINK. cz i spilled chendol on the flip phone so the speaker is now broken. and my current phone, it sometimes suffers epileptic fits. so a new phone could come in handy. or not.
rambled by mubs at 7:00 am 0 comments
ps3 slim

another thing on my list, the new upcoming ps3 slim. due to be released early september. been thinkin of getting a ps3 since i will be entering university soon and i guess its a form of entertainment? hahah but i guess since a slimmer version is gonna be out, will get one of em defo. comes in 120gb only i think. and sells for $299, american dollars that is. should be cheaper in pounds=) although i think the old one looks better cz its shiny. but watevs at least i can easily carry this one around, hopefully.
rambled by mubs at 6:56 am 0 comments
snow leopard
its tomorrow bebeh. the new OS X snow leopard. i think i'ma get this one in uk and finally upgrade my mac as i am still using a tiger. ohh btw my mac baby is back=) reincarnated from the dead. i think its been 3weeks old, had to replace it with a new hard drive cz the old one was totaly corrupt thanks to my witty attempt to remove a programme from the whole system. but some good did come from it i guess, an enlarged 320gb internal hard drive=) think it'll go well with a new snow leopard.
rambled by mubs at 6:47 am 0 comments
counter productive
oh my i havent visited this page in a while*shrugs*. been pretty occupied this summer that i didnt even bother to blog. but now since its the fasting month, ive been transformed into a unicellular amoeba just sittin at home doin nothin waiting to undergo mitosis. no kiddin even my car still has plentiful fuel left since i dont go out anymore. so ive decided to take some time and blog rather than me just waiting endlessly for my body to split into two.
as i mentioned i have done nothing productive since puasa came. the last productive thing i did was hiking the new track at shahbandar on friday the day before puasa. cant believe we went in the rain, it was all slippery but it was good fun. and we only took two hours kali saja this time to complete it. and i think thats the last time i'll hike that route, until next summer. and since then all i do is lay in bed and watch big bang theory. finished season 2 and i want more haha siuk. ooooh i wonder what else is goin on. antah nada bye
rambled by mubs at 6:38 am 0 comments
Monday, 3 August 2009
rambled by mubs at 6:32 pm 0 comments
Sunday, 2 August 2009
havent been blogging much cz its just not the same without my mac. i miss thy mac. why for art thou mac? hmmph. i miss you mac. hahah!

rambled by mubs at 9:08 pm 0 comments